Tidy to Tiny
How to Tidy Up Your Life
(Course Enrollment is Currently Closed)
Are You Considering Downsizing into a Smaller Home?
Have you been thinking about moving into a tiny house, maybe a studio apartment, a little cabin? Or maybe you just want to improve your current home by tidying it up?
Maybe you've already moved into a smaller space, or you're happy with your current home, but you find that you're still surrounded by clutter?
Simplifying Your Life to Gain More Freedom?
If you're like me, you’ve probably been experimenting with simplifying your life and getting rid of your unwanted stuff so in the end, you can have more freedom, more life, more excitement.
"Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens."
- Peace Pilgrim
Fewer Distractions, Less Clutter, Less Stress, More Freedom!
You're looking to have that lifestyle where you have fewer distractions, less clutter, less demands, and more freedom and fun. Less of what holds you back, and more of what you've always wanted.
But still, you find yourself...
Tired of the Clutter...
If you look around your house right now, and it just doesn't bring you up, there's something wrong, isn't there? Maybe there's just too much crap and it's holding you back!
You’ve Already Even Downsized! But STILL... You Have Too Much Stuff?
Don't feel bad about it because you're not the only one. It's happened to me. Actually, most of us are in the same situation.
If you're like me and most of the people I help, you probably have already tried downsizing, but you still find stuff around your house that's bringing you down and it's starting to feel like these things are literally sucking energy out of you. Trust me, I've been there!
Kind of crazy when you think of it that way, isn't it?
It's like your unattended, unwanted crap is "the Dracula"! (lol)
Well, don't worry. I'm here to help you put an end to it if you want to.
Have You Ever "Relapsed" Back to into Clutter After Downsizing?
Maybe you were able to get rid of your unwanted stuff in the past, but now you've gone into a relapse (it's happened to me before more than just a few times – because when it comes to accumulating stuff, the odds are stacked against us.
Because think about it..
We Live in a Society That Indulges on STUFF!
- Friends and family are always gifting us stuff (that we don't even want)
- The media is always pushing something new on us
- Holidays are all about buying each other stuff
- The stuff we buy is often times very low quality so it doesn't last long and we have to buy again and again (and we feel bad about throwing away our useless stuff)
- We're battered with sale after sale that encourage us to buy more than we need (just because it's a "good deal")
- Fashion is constantly changing (not just in our wardrobes but in the rest of our home too)
It's no wonder we end up "relapsing" even after downsizing in the past, right?!
So WHY Can’t We Finish Getting Rid of the Clutter and KEEP It That Way?!
Whether you live in a large home, a "normal" sized home (whatever that is), a little apartment, or even a tiny house...
You need to get your stuff in order!
And believe it or not, there's a certain way of doing this to make it last...
The problem is... Nobody has ever taught us!
They don't teach it in schools...
Most of our parents don't show us how to keep tidy...
So we're left guessing. And before you know it, your stuff is caving in on you (again, and again)!
Taking up too much space... Constantly peeving you...
And worst of all, we forget that this crap is holding us back from the good things in life.
NOT COOL, right?
We have to come to terms with something I know you already know (but I'm here to remind you). And that's that...
Having Too Much Stuff is a Big Burden
It honestly doesn't matter what type of home you live in or want to live in, even if you have a big house with lots of storage, you still need to learn to keep it tidy!
When you decide to continue procrastinating and you're keeping stuff that you deep down inside know you don't need anymore, you're holding yourself back. :(
Or, as I hate to say, you're letting your stuff own you.
So I’ve got one question for you right now about all the stuff you still have that you know you don't need...
Do you own this stuff, or does this stuff own you?
If you’re seriously thinking about moving into a tiny home…
First, you have to get rid of all the stuff you’ve accumulated over the years that you don't need anymore, right?
And look..
Even if you stay where you are and you don’t move into a different home (tiny or not)…
Wouldn’t it be nice if your current home was completely tidy first?
BEFORE you move anywhere else..
Imagine that!
Imagine looking around your current home and it being so clean that it just makes you smile.
This is what I want for you. And I’m here to tell you that you CAN have it. And you can have it way faster than you think.
Listen, for right now, I want you to...
Forget About Tiny Houses!
I’m also here to tell you to temporarily forget about your dream house (tiny or not) because first you’ve got to work on your current home.
And that truly begins with your stuff.
You've heard the old saying over and over...
First things first.
It’s NOT About Your House
You see it’s really not all about your house. It's about what you keep inside your house.
It's about what's inside that makes it a home that's pleasant to be in.
So WHY Are You Here?
If you’re still here, reading this, I think you're pretty serious about wanting to de-clutter your life. You want a little more... maybe A LOT more from life. And you have a feeling that it starts with getting rid of the crap in your life.
And maybe... just maybe... you just needed a nudge of motivation.
I'm Offering To Help You Tidy to Tiny (Or Not)
You're probably wondering, "WHY does he keep saying or not?"
I say that because many of my students find that after tidying their current space they are completely satisfied and decide to stay where they are!
No need to tiny... No need to move at all!
And that's because you can have many of the benefits of living in a tiny home in your current home by making it a tidy home.
But if you do know that you'd like to go tiny for sure, this process will make your future move 10X easier!
So I'm inviting you to let me show you how by using the Tidy to Tiny (Or Not!) course to help you systematically tidy up your life.
It's A 5-Step System to Tidy Up Your Life
I’m here to bring order into your life because I know that getting rid of your stuff can be really, really overwhelming.
And if you’re like a lot of people I know, you’re probably thinking, “Yes, of course I want a clutter-free home, but where the heck do I even begin?!?! Do you have any idea how much stuff I have to go through?!?!”
And, "I don't want to do it! It's too much work! It's going to take too long. What if it's too overwhelming."
Believe me, I’ve been there before (many times). And I've heard (and experienced) all of the excuses that we use to stop ourselves from improving our lives. Because let's face it, it's kind of scary.
You're not alone!
Most people are in the exact same situation.
Yet most people don't do anything about it. They keep putting it off.
Nothing changes.
But since you're still reading this, I don't think you're interested in continuing to put it off.
Because What's REALLY Easier?
I know that when you look at all of your stuff it's daunting. Trust me, I know the feeling! I know that it seems easier to just keep ignoring it (because I've done that too).
But the truth is that it’s NOT easier to keep putting it off. It’s not easier because it’s been holding you back, distracting you, and peeving you... every single day.
And that's what I wasn't realizing at first when I would procrastinate.
I guess I just didn't get it. I didn't really think about it. I didn't realize that getting rid of old baggage was the way to start improving my life right away.
Even worse, I didn't realize what it was keeping me from having.
What Has "Too Much Stuff" Taken From You?
That's why I created this course. I'm sick of stuff ruling our lives and I'm here to tell you that it’s time to put a stop to this old way of thinking because who knows what you’ve been missing out on in life just because you don’t feel like going through your stuff!
I'm telling you... your stuff has been stealing life from you. And it's up to you to put an end to it.
I'm here to help you get it done faster. And get it done once and for all using a process to guide you through the entire way.
What Have You Been Missing Out On Because of Your Stuff?
Is it the love of your life? Is it re-igniting the love in your life? The time of your life? A new adventure? A new career? A happier family? A new relationship? Huge improvements in your current relationships? New friends? Rekindling old relationships? Sparking positive energy into all ares of your life? Experiencing happier thoughts? Removing negativity in your life? Setting a good example for your kids and/or the people around you? Improving your finances? Learning new skills? Actually doing things you've been meaning to do?
What have you been putting off that you've been wanting to do? What's distracting you from doing it?
The truth is, we can never know and experience what we’ve been missing out on until we put a stop to what’s been holding us back.
But what we do know is that now is the time to put a stop to letting your stuff own you.
Are you with me?
If so, it’s time to take a stand on stuff.
It's time to....
Stop Letting Your Stuff Own You!
I’m here to invite you to use the 5-Step Tidy to Tiny (Or Not) System to tidy up your life once and for all.
That’s it. No more clutter. No more crap.
Clear Your Space and Clear Your Mind to Create Space for What’s Important
If you want to achieve your goals, whatever they may be, you have to make space for them.
To get something new, you have to give up something old. Old stuff, old thoughts, old habits.
The best way to start, and the best way to practice this, is with the stuff that’s around you that’s been accumulating. It’s time to get this weight off your shoulders so you can clear your space and clear your mind. So you can create space to go after your goals and dreams.
Here’s What You Get with the 5-Step Tidy to Tiny (Or Not!) System
- Full Access to the 5-Step Tidy to Tiny (Or Not) Process
- 5 Audio Training Modules to Guide You Through the Process
- 37 Lessons to Change The Way You Think About Stuff Forever
- The 7 Types of Stuff That You Own
- The Order in Which to go Through Your Stuff
- How to Stay Focused When Discarding
- The 3-Bucket Massive Discarding System
- The Questions to Ask Yourself When Discarding
- Understanding Why Some of Your Stuff Brings You Down
- A Step by Step System to Follow to get Your Life Tidy Fast
- Community Discussions to Get Your Questions Answered
- Ability to Connect with Other Like-minded Students
More importantly, here’s what your life can look like if you take action using the Tidy to Tiny (Or Not!) System. And I think you’ll be glad to know that it goes beyond just stuff.
The Benefits You Experience When Using the System
- Your life will be completely tidy
- You will feel free from mental and physical clutter
- You will be unencumbered from things that have been holding you back
- You can easily identify what no longer serves you in life
- You will make quick decisions to rid yourself of stuff that holds you back
- You will have a deeper logical and emotional understanding of your stuff
- You’ll be aware of relationships that are having a negative impact on you
- You will know how to protect yourself from people who are a drain to your life
- You can easily identify false desires that would lead you down the wrong path
- You will find it easy to find your favorite things
- You’ll develop a newfound love for your current space
- Your home will make you happy and uplift you
- You’ll become a happier person with more energy
- You’ll free up physical and mental clutter to go after your goals
- Your wardrobe will excite you
- You’ll be able to do exciting things you’ve been putting off
- You’ll be proud to have friends and family over
- You’ll be proud to come home everyday
This course is filled with honest and practical lessons that you can put into action right away. In fact, it’s designed to completely change your life in only one week if you follow the simple action steps inside that are outlined for you!
This system is designed to mentally prepare you for 5 days of consecutive training lessons that you can do in less than an hour each day. After your five days of training, you will be ready to Tidy Up in one fall swoop in less than 48 hours. That’s it! Simple as that, and it all starts now.
Sorry! Enrollment is currently closed.
Your Instructor
Alex is passionate about affordable housing, tiny homes, real estate, teaching, blogging, business, finance, marketing, and finding exciting ways to help others improve their lives with his work! He's a big believer in hard work and an even bigger believer in figuring out the thinking and actions that create the most impact and results for people. Alex is here to help you get motivated by sharing his 'success blueprints' so you can take the actions you need to make your dreams real!
Course Curriculum
StartDay One Training (original audio version)
StartWhy Is It So Hard To Let Go?
StartLesson 1: You And Your Stuff
StartLesson 2: Your Stuff is Talking!
StartLesson 3: Solving Issues with your Stuff (5:41)
StartLesson 4: Is Your Stuff Serving You? (5:25)
StartLesson 5: The Stuff That's Bringing You Down (3:47)
StartLesson 6: What You Keep Must Bring You UP (3:25)
StartLesson 7: The Outcome for You And Your Stuff (6:20)
StartLesson 8: Your Action Steps and Tools (3:19)
StartCommunication Quiz